22 April 2019

#015 - Following the Ways of a Frontend Master

Go JavaScript, I choose you! My coding journey is like a Pokémon spin-off. Meanwhile, I picked up an annual subscription of Frontend Masters at a discount.

I now juggle between freeCodeCamp, Treehouse and Frontend Masters.


It is my current goal to grow in my active knowledge in software development, as I continue to strive towards a redefining path to reskill my technical skills in software development, cloud technologies and systems administration. Initially, I want to specialise in web technologies, but I want to branch out to app development, electronics, machine learning, and red team cybersecurity.

I also have a big obsession with American programmers, particularly folk who have worked in the tech industry and not the self-proclaimed 'expert' who churn out Udemy courses from their bedroom.


I want to learn from smart people in the industry. I want to fast-track my continuing personal development and I want to grow accustomed to the jargon-filled lingo of the industry itself. Producing a credible programming portfolio isn't enough to secure a software development job. In addition, you need to know the underlying concepts of programming with the likes of data structure and object-orientated programming. I am sure other topics including networking protocols, web accessibility and information security will heighten one's knowledge of technology as a whole.

In addition, you can have a snazzy-looking portfolio, but you also need to be prepared to discuss about your portfolio projects. Employers will also be keen on a person's attitude, work ethic and how they exercise communication in the soft-skills department, whilst thinking analytically as a whole.

The psychological appeal to subscribe to Frontend Masters is to better understand the 'mundane' bootcamp nature and the corporate structure of software development from teachers who actively work in tech companies like Microsoft, Adobe, Netflix, PayPal, etc. Plus, it saves me forking over £6k, when my annual subscription is merely £220 for the first year. The other appeal to use Frontend Masters is the instructional focus on JavaScript, which has been my preferred programming language since my comeback to programming.

I was thrilled to sit through and follow the Complete Intro to Web Development, v2 with Brian Holt. It's a very (over)loaded course, but it drives home the essential skills to secure (and survive) the ways of a programmer. I found it beneficial to learn some inside shortcuts with VS Code and programming techniques.

The personal highlight for me was Brian's analytical thought-process when faced with honest questions from the students and when overcoming ad-hoc problems, like the JavaScript calculator. And I look forward to trying out a web deployment to Microsoft Azure, which is something I have wanting to explore. I mostly use Digital Ocean, but hey - the more knowledge and experience I can gain and retain - the better!

I still like Treehouse because of its fun approach, as the pre-recorded sessions are rehearsed and packaged with interactive coding exercises, quizzes, and colourful animation. I also find the forums resourceful to better learn why a certain way to programming is recommended. I like Treehouse and I thank the Queens Library in NYC for introducing me to Treehouse back in 2015.

Treehouse has the added benefit, which covers Swift, C# and back-end languages and libraries. I also like the UX and business courses and I am savouring the VR and game development courses, once I dip my toes in C# programming.
