22 July 2019

#026 - Git-R-Done #100DaysOfCode

I re-watched a video track on Frontend Masters, only to realise that my brain picked up on the finer details that I had overlooked the first-time round.

I wish to reflect on Git. I admit, I found Git to be cumbersome at first, but I am now comfortable with the wide array of tools and basic commands at my disposal.

Previously, I have been using an encrypted cloud storage provider to host my coding projects, due to its end-to-end encryption and version history functionality. As a solo programmer who codes on the side, it hasn't made sense for me to utilise coding repositories like GitHub or GitLab, despite owning accounts with each platform.

I initially favoured GitLab, as it allowed users to create private repos. Yes, I am for open-source learning and technologies, but I was hoping to safely store coding projects that I would later develop for commercial purposes.

I have since been encouraged to re-visit GitHub, since Microsoft has jazzed up their basic offering and they now provide private repos for standard accounts. I re-configured the SSH keys on my account, as I learned that I had to set the SSH agent within Windows before my computer could remote to GitHub via Git. I know... I feel like a git.

I am now comfortable with the basics of Git, whether it's at the command line using Bash - or when balancing between features and extensions via VS Code (i.e. Source Control, GitLens, and GitHub Pull Requests).

The two main reasons for re-visiting Git is primarily to grow more competent with Git and the process of source control - especially when I want to contribute to open source projects. The secondary factor is to start populating my GitHub account with real content, as recruiters and private companies will likely view GitHub as a dynamic CV for the modern-day software developer. It still doesn't stop me from creating a custom website to supplement my GitHub and CodePen snippets.

I will likely push samples and rough code using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I also want to deploy some electronic-based projects to GitHub like samples coded for the Arduino and Raspberry Pi. I will of course push some private projects to safeguard my local copies of projects in the making.

The one key feature that I appreciate is the ability to view the changes of commits between lines of code. I am sure this feature will be resourceful when working in Agile team environments, but also as a reminder to oneself of one's respective code.
