#027 - Consolidating Binary Assets

There are pros and cons to using multiple email accounts. Last weekend, I decided to fully utilise my subscription with an enterprise mail provider.
When I learned that I can associate more than one custom domain to my account, I thought it would be wise to put them to good use. I was also giddy to learn that you can associate 400 email aliases to a single user account. It is better value than other paid services and it suits my one-way traffic in receiving e-mail. It's also good practice for me to better learn the mechanics of an enterprise mail exchange server.
Mind you, I will likely subscribe to an end-to-end encryption mail service for private correspondence. However, the service that I am eyeing doesn't use PGP. Instead, they deploy their own encryption method that is seemingly better than PGP. In all honesty, I think the best end-to-end encryption is not using the Internet. Period.
Alongside the tedious task to change my email address across the board, I have also reconfigured my active domains to utilise best security practice across my personal websites - mainly my blog and portfolio website. I'm delighted to finally be serving HTTPS via TLS 1.2 and above.
The reason for the sudden push to consolidate my binary assets is mainly because I'll be working "overtime" for the month of August. I wish to reserve my evening for web development and learning - provided that I have enough strength to look at my monitor screen at home, even after an 8-hour shift of work.