#033 - Refreshing My Portfolio Like It's 2019

I decided to update my personal portfolio two weekends ago. However, I didn't expect the process to consume a week of granularity and tender loving care.
I still wanted the same minimalistic look and feel of my previous portfolio website, which featured a grid of dynamic squares. Each square corresponds to a separate webpage that details more about my work and project. I opted to buy a theme, due to the constraints of my available time and the need to apply for an opportunity that I would like to be considered for.
I stumbled upon a WordPress theme that fits the bill and it offers dozens of customised options. I spent a great deal of time writing a sufficient blurb for each work and project. I also wanted to capture new hi-res images for important projects that I wanted to showcase.
I have cautiously held off uploading my code projects to GitHub, as the opportunity doesn't imply coding as an essential skill - but rather the experience of using web technologies and applications. You would naturally think they both co-exist as a single requirement, but then the pay would dramatically increase in value if it was solely a programming job. Nonetheless, I have offered to share my private GitHub repos should I be considered.
I'm glad I decided to refresh my portfolio out of the blue - and before I seen the advert for the recent opportunity. As a result, I have since revised my two JavaScript projects: the 'Deluxe Quiz' and the 'Boggle Generator'. I realised that I didn't have any nice CSS formatting, especially my prized quiz project - so I coded some CSS to make it look appealing.
GitHub is an interesting platform since Microsoft bought the platform. For one, it hosts a ludicrous amount of code for popular open source technologies and people's contribution to hundreds of thousands of repos. I have learnt from others that you don't need to upload public repos to be considered for coding jobs. Yes, I'm sure it helps to see that you may have contributed to open source, but even then - I know of folk who don't even have a GitHub account and yet, they are handsomely-paid software developers.
I do appreciate the value of a community-based pool of shared code, but there are also many abandoned repos. I have the impression that companies would rather see a finished product which can be confirmed by a referee - like a mobile app or a website, something that regular people (mainly the HR team) can click through and acknowledge the existence of a given project.
I hope to contribute to IoT projects and electronics (i.e. Raspberry Pi, Arduino, etc). I am convinced those communities will be less hot-headed than the big name players of open source technologies.
Anyhow, I know my portfolio has helped me in the past and it will serve me well in the future.